Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 19, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Virgin of the Rosary and the Mother of God our Lord.
My Son Jesus Christ sends me here to invite you again to conversion. Pray always the holy rosary. It is the rosary that will deliver the whole world from the path of perdition. Jesus wishes with my presence here in the Amazon, to pour out the graces of his Mercy and his Love on all of you.
Little children, pray, pray, pray a lot. The Lord has sent me in many parts of the earth to invite you to true conversion. Pray a lot. Go to the Holy Mass. Pray, pray, pray.
My little children, God our Lord desires very much your sincere conversion. Many of my children are in sin, but I your Heavenly Mother want to invite them again to return to the Lord. I, your Mother, tell you that the times in which you live are times of great danger, so pray the rosary. I wish to shower upon you this night countless graces of conversion. I, the
Virgin of the Rosary, bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Our Lady was very worried and distressed today. How she desires to save souls for Jesus. Through her appeals, God grants us so many graces and the possibility of returning to His Merciful Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of His Most Holy Mother, who beats with love for us. Our Lady has often shown my mother and me her Immaculate Heart that glows with flames of love. We have seen several times this Immaculate Heart of hers within her. When this happens it seems that the front of her dress becomes all transparent and we can see her beating Heart inside. With each beat of love it shoots out living flames in the form of light that is directed towards us and towards the world. I understood that inside her her Heart shines so much of love from the living flames as the sun that makes us perceive it and see it all lit up in her chest. How Our Lady loves us.
When she spoke in the message that invites us to true conversion, I understood that in the world there are many false conversions. False in the sense that many claim to be converted, but are not truly so. When a person is converted, he or she is totally transformed and changed, clothed in the grace and holiness that emanates from the Heart of Jesus. The true encounter with Christ leads us to a commitment to God and to renounce the world and its seductions. God transforms us and we let ourselves be transformed by him into the new man, born by grace. The person who says he is converted and continues to do the same wrong deeds is mistaken. He has not even begun his conversion and has not truly known God