Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 25, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Annunciation

My mother was in Itapiranga. She was praying when she saw St. John the Baptist. He said to her:
I am St. John the Baptist. Jesus sent me here. You will understand and comprehend what I came do here.
- What about baptism? my mother asked.
Yes, that was my mission here on earth, now it is the priests'. Jesus wants all people baptized. There are many people who are not baptized yet: girls and boys. You don't need so much formality and luxury to baptize a person. You have to be decently dressed. Any baptized person can be a godfather, but not a freemason (as long as he leaves freemasonry ). God is in all people at baptism, through the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady at this moment made herself heard and said to my mother,
Then the priest, thirty minutes before the baptism will explain its importance to the parents and godparents. The parents and godparents will have to change their behavior in life, as true Christians, obeying God's Holy Laws. Everyone will be oriented through you and Edson. The day of the baptism will be a very special day. You and Edson cannot go to Manaus now. You have to warn all the communities, starting with the community of Madruba. And this is urgent!
My mother understood that a preparation for baptism of one week or one month was enough. Jesus sent St. John the Baptist to convey this message to my mother, because in Itapiranga a very serious problem was happening to baptize children or young people. A preparation for baptism was very long. It lasted a year or so. And many times, after such a long preparation, there was a risk that the children of many people would not be baptized, because they were told that they were not fit for this sacrament. There was confusion and lack of preparation in the very people who were doing the formation of the parents and godparents in these meetings, who were teaching the parents and godparents the wrong things. Many people gave up and took their children to be baptized in Protestant Churches. That is why Our Lady said that she needed a formation or orientation of at least a week or a month.