Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 4, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, today is the first Saturday of the month. On this day, I pour out countless graces from my Immaculate Heart, as I promised my daughter (Sister) Lucia many years ago.
Dear children, the five first Saturdays of the month protect you a lot from Satan, because on these Saturdays, all those who dedicate themselves to fulfill what I asked for in Fatima, will obtain from my Immaculate Heart graces and validation on the day of their death, obtaining from my Son Jesus their eternal salvation. This is the effective means that my Son Jesus gives you, so that you may find an anchor of salvation at the last moment.
Little children, go to confession, recite the mysteries of my rosary, meditate on them, and take communion in reparation and atonement to my Immaculate Heart so offended by ungrateful men, and on the last day of your lives you will find the graces necessary for your eternal salvation.
I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace and Patroness of Brazil. Pray, my children, for Brazil, and prepare yourselves for the great events that are about to unleash upon the whole world. Those who pray and do all that I have been asking you to do, in these last times, will be spared on the day of punishment, knowing how to bear this day with great strength and courage. Always pray the holy rosary, little children, pray the holy rosary continually, for this is your weapon against satan. Thank you for your prayers. Pray a lot for my favorite son, the Holy Father John Paul II, because his martyrdom is near. Do not fall asleep, my children, but be vigilant, for the Lord, my Beloved Son Jesus Christ is already coming back, and those who are watching and praying, will be blessed before the Lord. Pray, pray, pray. Live my messages. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.