Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 7, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am your Mother and the Queen of the Holy Rosary.
Today, little children, the Lord invites you to prayer, sacrifice and penance, to save the souls of poor sinners.
Little children, open your hearts to the Lord, my Beloved Son Jesus Christ. He is always waiting for you. He loves you very, very, very much!
Today, I shower each of you with special graces. Pray little children with your hearts. Don't let disturbance enter your hearts. Don't let Satan deceive you. In a humble soul, the enemy can do nothing.
Little children, come in greater numbers to pray. Invite all my sons and all my daughters to prayer.
Dear children, go and preach the Gospel of my Son Jesus to all your brothers. They need your help, so that they can find Jesus, who is the True Light. Jesus is everything to you, my children. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Life!
Jesus is sad when you distrust His Goodness and Mercy. Do not doubt, my children, for He loves you with immeasurable love! Give your life to Him. May Jesus be always and at every moment your great companion, whom you can trust and ask for help at any moment. Share your daily life with Him. May each action of yours be for one reason only: to reach out more and more to my Son Jesus.
I welcome your prayers like fragrant roses, from which I will adorn the throne of my beloved Son Jesus Christ and bring to Him all your requests, the requests that each one of you has kept well inside your heart.
Little children, pray much to the Divine Holy Spirit. Ask God to fill you with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to pour Himself out powerfully upon each one of you. He loves you very much and wants your salvation very much.
Thank you little children for your prayers. I love you, and I place you all within my Immaculate Heart. I protect you and help you, so that my enemy and your enemy can do nothing. My Son Jesus, today, wants to give you His Message. Listen to Him:
At this moment, Jesus was the one who spoke:
My little children of my Sacred Heart: Pray!
Today, little children, I come to ask you to do all that my Mother is asking of you this night.
My Mother and I are always at your side, even in the difficulties of everyday life. So, do not be discouraged. We want to be a part of your life and your daily life every day. Surrender to us and you will see how many graces will fall upon each one of you.
Little children, pray, pray, pray. I, your Lord, ask you to pray with your heart.
I need open hearts and generous souls to be able to rebuild all that my enemy has tried to destroy. I need generous souls to pray, so that many of my children, who are in the hands of satan can be saved. All of you I bless and place within my Sacred Heart. Thank you little children, for your prayers. I bless and protect all of you, so that you may be strong in your trials.
My little children, pray the holy rosary so that the world may find peace. Thank you, little children, for all you do for me and for my Son. We place you all within our Sacred Hearts. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.