Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Christmas Day
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

The Blessed Virgin Mary says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, today, I offer you the best wishes of the day. The best is always peace of heart. Peace does not come to you on the wings of self-love. Peace is the fruit of Holy Love.* All the conflict amongst mankind, all the new diseases, the poverty and man's general disregard for each other, is the bad fruit of disordered self-love. You would not have wars, false religions or any diabolical influence in the world today, if Christ was at the center of every heart."
"You cannot fight the enemy of your peace of heart unless you learn to recognize him. The enemy is he who causes your unrest and dissatisfaction with people, circumstances and all that opposes sin. This enemy never rests, is always on the prowl and keeps the heart in turmoil. Today, begin your Christmas by recalling how My Son** came to earth as a helpless child - suffered the cold and indignities of the manger and did not speak, although He could have."
"His offering of His Life began in the manger and continued on until His Death on the Cross. As you contemplate the manger scene this Christmas, consider how My Infant Son knew all that lay ahead of Him as He rested against My Breast. I held Him in My Arms then. I invite you to hold Him in your hearts today."
Read Luke 2:7+
And she gave birth to her first-born* son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
*2:7 first-born: A legal term linked with a son's social standing and rights of inheritance (Deut 21:15-17). It does not imply that Mary had other children after Jesus, only that she had none before him (CCC 500). As the only begotten One, Jesus is also the first-born Son of the Father (Jn 1:18; Col 1:15). See note on Mt 12:46.
* For a PDF of the handout: 'WHAT IS HOLY LOVE', please see:
** Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - God the Father's Only-Begotten Son, born of the Virgin, Mary.
Source: ➥