Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, October 7, 2019
Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – 3:00 P.M. Service
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)
Blessed Mother is here* as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love and She has a pulsating light around Her. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, I have come, once again, to call you back into My Arms and into My Immaculate Heart through the prayer of the Holy Rosary. Through the rosary, the state of the world can be changed. Sin can be recognized as sin. My children will desire to please God and not to offend Him anymore. I cannot change the heart of the world without your help. It is by your efforts the course of human history can be altered. You must use your rosaries as the weapon of these times against evil."
"Satan is active in every area of human existence. People do not recognize him, as they do not look for him. Conflicts, controversies and collusions are regarded as human nature. Crimes and terrorism are seen as erroneous choices by a few. False religions have won the hearts of many."
"I do not come to you to bring hopelessness, but hope in devotion to My rosary."
"Dear children, right reason is offered here as a grace for those who journey in search of the Truth. Right reason destroys lies and myths about this Ministry.** If you choose to believe with faith, your faith will open the door of your heart to see the reality of good versus evil. Only then can you see the reasons for unwarranted attacks upon Heaven's efforts here. The fate of many souls weighs in the balance. Acceptance of the graces offered here can change hearts and, so too, the world."
"It is only when you recognize evil that you can destroy it in your midst. You cannot fight any enemy you do not recognize and do not see."
"The greatest threat to the future of the world today is the evil which exists in hearts. Weapons of mass destruction are not a threat unless they are employed by man. Disputes amongst nations will not result in war unless evil wins out in hearts. The ongoing battle of good versus evil in hearts is the war that must be won for the survival of mankind. This is why the conversion of the heart of the world brings Me back to earth over and over."
"I come to plead with all of mankind to return to love of God above all else and neighbor as self. Pick up your rosaries and pray wholeheartedly for this, My most pressing intention. You do not comprehend the anguish of My Son's Heart or His Wrath, the Arm of which I hold back."
"Dear children, I will answer your prayers in your best interests when you pray the rosary. Your devotion to My rosary is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me. Always carry your rosaries with you. Be devoted especially to the Rosary of the Unborn. This is a victory we must win - trampling abortion under our feet. It is then, the United Hearts can be triumphant and the world will, once again, be safe."
"Please be united, dear children, in your efforts to defeat Satan with your rosaries."
"Whole nations have succumbed to his leadership. Some even with knowledge of what they're doing."
"Dear children, appreciate the Message which I have imparted to you in the course of the last couple of days. Understand that I am speaking to the heart of each one of you, listen and obey."
"Today, I am imparting to you My Special Blessing."
* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Source: ➥