Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Feast of Our Lady of Knock
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: "Praise be to Jesus"
"I am happy to be here* today on the day which commemorates My Apparition at Knock. That apparition lasted a short time on one day. This apparition is ongoing, as a means of supporting and protecting the Remnant Faithful during this crisis of faith which perpetuates. If you do not have a strong faith, My children, you are vulnerable to any attack and the veil of deceit Satan has placed over the heart of the world. You do not see the subtle ways the enemy uses modern-day technology, political issues and even well-intended efforts to weave his confusion into hearts."
"Even those once consecrated to My Immaculate Heart have now failed Me. I find My solace in the Remnant whose faith is not shaken by the state of the heart of the world. I am calling you to understand these times in which you live. Build up your prayer lives as armor against Satan's subtleties. Every weakness is a portal for his entry."
"The hour is now at hand when many will have to choose liberal versus conservative. This is why it is so important that you identify evil as opposed to good. Evil does not respect religious borders or vocations. Evil does not stop or back away from any prestigious title. In fact, these are all incentives for the enemy to redouble his efforts. Therefore, pray for all Church hierarchy, priests and all vocations."
"I am praying with you."
* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:1-5+
Synopsis - In discharging the Mission and Ministry of Holy Love do not lose heart. On the contrary, renounce actions which shame conceals in the dark, avoid unscrupulous conduct and do not corrupt the Word of God; but make known the Truth of Jesus Christ, which is Holy Love, commending yourself to your examination of conscience according to the Ten Commandments in the sight of God. If the Truth is concealed, it is only to those who are perishing; for in their case they have been blinded to Truth by their unbelieving hearts and minds - not seeing the Light of the Gospel of Christ Who is the Truth and the Image of God.
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. We have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways; we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's Word, but by the open statement of the Truth we would commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.
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