Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"These days, the world is starved for Truth - the Truth based upon love of God and neighbor. Much voice is given to 'social justice', but the real justice is leading others in the Truth. The governing bodies in the world do not know the Spirit of Truth and therefore, do not lead according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Truth."
"Errant spirits have taken over the vast majority of the hearts in leadership roles today. This is most evident in the policies they promote and in the ways they address challenges such as: world security, the economy and moral issues, to name a few."
"I come to earth today, as God sends Me, to draw all people and all nations into My Immaculate Heart, Refuge of Holy Love. Herein is all the grace each soul needs to move closer to God and to be led by the Holy Spirit. This call is a moment of great grace washing upon the world, giving to all the opportunity to partake of God's goodness. This is Heaven's Social Justice. Do not wait for others to approve Heaven's Invitation. Turn to Me, even now, as My Arms are outstretched to you and My Heart welcomes you. I will turn no one away from the embrace of My Heart." *
"Mankind's reluctance to step into My Embrace of Holy Love widens the abyss between the heart of the world and the Heart of God. Each moment that passes is then farther from the Truth and plunges mankind deeper into error."
"Dear children, not to decide for Holy Love is to decide against it! Then you oppose My Son and the Will of the Father. These are not just words to listen to and then set aside! This is the Truth God is calling you to accept and live. This is the call to your own salvation. No one enters Heaven outside of Holy Love."
* When pilgrims come to the property of Maranatha Spring and Shrine with open, sincere hearts, they enter into the welcoming embrace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, and receive all the graces attendant to this place of Heaven's predilection.
Source: ➥