Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, October 7, 2013
Feast of The Holy Rosary
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This Message was given in multiple parts.)
Our Lady is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She is holding the Mournful Heart of Jesus with the Rosary of the Unborn wrapped around it. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"This is Heaven's Peace Accord with earth. Pray the Rosary of the Unborn for an end to abortion. This will console the Mournful Heart of My Son and resolve the differences which divide you. If you listen, dear children, you will have peace. If you continue on your path of self-destruction, I cannot protect you from the consequences. It is by your efforts the future can change. Please realize the passage of time brings the fulfillment of My Words to you ever closer."
"Abortion is the bad fruit of the compromise of Truth and the abuse of authority: the grievances which mourn My Beloved Son's Heart with intensity. It is by the Rosary of the Unborn this can change, hearts can change and the evil of abortion stopped. You must help Me. I beg your assistance."
"Dear children, if you pray the Rosary of the Unborn or the Chaplet of the Unborn against abortion, then you are doing all you can in the present moment to console My Son's Most Mournful Heart. This is the sin that most epitomizes the narcissism of the heart of the world today and calls upon God's Justice."
"Your prayers can save lives."
"Dear children, your presence here today makes Me very happy and makes My Day special. Your prayers, dear children, are important to Me - most especially to end abortion."
"I tell you, once again, solemnly, that you will not have peace in the world until you have peace in the womb. God protects and honors the good, but He opposes all evil."
"Today, dear children, I am blessing everything on you, and with you, and I'm extending to you My Special Blessing."
Source: ➥