Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feast of Divine Mercy – Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field

Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


(This message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Jesus is here as He is in the Divine Mercy Image, and has many angels with Him and hundreds of sparkling lights around Him. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"Tonight I come to thank all of you for your faithfulness for attending these midnight apparitions; but please understand, this is not the end but the beginning, and apparitions will continue to occur here. Come often and believe. I will be with you tomorrow afternoon in this Field of Victory."

"I tell you, the way to My Mercy is a contrite heart; a contrite heart I will not spurn. The heart which defiles Truth does not recognize his own error and, therefore, cannot seek My Mercy. This is why truthful self-knowledge is a stepping stone to My Mercy."

"Do not look outwardly for signs of My Return. Although these are all around you, I tell you, the first sign of the age of tribulation will be in hearts. Every soul will be given the opportunity to see into his own heart with the Light of Truth; then he will see with certainty what obstructs his way to My Heart. I do not come to predict the time of this awakening - only the Father knows the time. I come to inform you, and to prepare you to accept the Truth."

"My Mercy transcends human comprehension. Evidence of My Mercy today is your very existence despite your best efforts in destroying yourselves and the planet you are given to live on. Lack of Holy Love in hearts is your enemy; but given the solution here in this Mission and these Messages, it is discounted and dismissed for the most part. I warn you once again, there is no time to wait for endorsements. Danger lies all around you - under the earth and even above you in the skies. Hasten to your conversion."

"Once again I remind you that natural disasters, famine, disease, economic woes, terrorism and more are all the consequence of man's failure to live in Holy Love. The enemy of your soul does not want you to hear these words or to come here to pray. Allow Me to be your Savior, King of Mercy, Prince of Peace. Allow Me to

deliver you from so much disordered self-love. Allow Me to take sovereignty over your hearts."

"Mankind has been given My Feast of Divine Mercy as a Refuge; but realize that part of My Mercy is also the Refuge of Holy Love - the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. We have come to rescue a wayward world during these critical times when the salvation of souls is threatened as never before. I do not come to command, but to invite you into My Mercy, and into the Refuge of Holy Love. I can do no more."

"Tonight I'm taking all of your petitions into My Sacred Heart. I'm blessing your hearts, your lives, your vocations - even the objects you are carrying on your persons. And I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."

Source: ➥