Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Blessed Mother is here dressed all in white with many sparkling lights all around Her. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, fill My Heart with your prayers, sacrifices and good deeds which I will present to My Son, for He so much needs consolation. Too many choose not to search out the truth. Even more have allowed their faith to escape their grasp and are now confused by Satan's influence all around them."
"I am calling you into one fold and along a straight and narrow path which is traversed only by apostles of Holy Love. Once upon this path, the dangers that are threatening your salvation are laid bare, but you cannot see evil around you unless you look with eyes of Holy Love, and unless you are traveling the path I call you upon. Then, I, your Mother, will uncover Satan's tactics and the snares he lays for you."
"Today I invite you to throw yourselves into the arms of faith, the arms of your Mother, which are open wide to receive you. Do not believe in peace efforts which seek to make all people one. Place your confidence in Holy Love which is here to defend you and offer you spiritual refuge."
"Today I come to tell you that Satan has two lines of attack - two weapons - that he uses most often against this Mission. One is lies - the other is opinions. I speak here specifically of opinions which are formed carelessly without investigating the truth. I also speak of prideful opinions. These are the opinions stubbornly adhered to despite proof that they are wrong."
"Satan has been successful in discouraging some of My children from coming here to pray; but, My dear children, if you live in the truth and cling to the truth of Holy Love, you will not be fearful or confused about coming here and partaking of Heaven's grace abundantly offered here at this site."
"Dear children, the enemy of your soul has weakened the heart of your nation and many others as well. He has used unprecedented technology to dull the moral conscience of many governments. Satan's greatest attacks are against those with the most influence over others. Therefore, I urge you to pray for all government leaders and all Church leaders. Very often evil is not recognized until it is too late. Some do not even believe in Satan, which is a great victory for him."
"You must always use Holy Love as your barometer of truth. Never choose outside of Holy Love. The truth of Holy Love does not change according to who believes or disbelieves."
"Dear children, I call you urgently to respond to My call to live in Holy Love. Triggers* of evil are about to occur. As these things happen, remember God in His Infinite Knowledge allows these events as a means of calling souls back into His Bosom of Love. Dear children, now My words are only words, but as events unfold, you will remember. Remember, I am telling you, do not be afraid. My Heart is your Refuge."
"When I appeared to the children at La Salette, I wept because the Sabbath was being profaned. I have not stopped weeping, for today the truth is being profaned. Many are not careful in the opinions they form or the words they speak. They do not try to please God, but to please themselves. Whole governments and religions embrace untruths."
"So today, just as you need the consolation of My Heart, I need your consolation as well. Join Me here on the Feast of My Sorrows. Bring with you a heart full of Holy Love. I will give you My Heart full of grace."
"I thank you for coming here tonight to honor Me on My birthday. But I celebrate with you, as well, because you believe in Me as I believe in you; and you love Me as I love you."
"Tonight, as I leave you, all of your petitions will move from My Heart to the Heart of My Son, for there is no time or space in Heaven."
"I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
*Triggers: A series of events, according to dictionary.
Source: ➥