Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, May 28, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Message from Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen) given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Alanus (angel) comes to me. He says: "All praise be to Jesus."
"Today in your country the citizens commemorate the dead by visiting cemeteries and decorating grave sites with flags, flowers and so forth. But what I have come to show you should change the outlook of all people concerning the hereafter if they enter into this vision of Purgatory with sincere hearts."
He then leads me, mystically, along a path which seems to be covered in brambles. We go up a little incline and he asks me to stand beside him on the edge of a rocky cliff. He motions with a sweep of his arm, and below us is a big canyon. At one end are great flames. It looks like people in silhouettes bobbing up and down in these flames. There are loud cries for mercy and shouts of pain, but it does not alleviate the suffering.
Alanus says, "These are the souls in greatest need of prayer and sacrifice. This is the lowest part of Purgatory--the part closest to Hell itself. Many suffer here, for no one prays for them. They were regarded as 'good'--some even 'holy'--in their lifetime, but it was all a facade. Many priests are among these poor souls, for they were not faithful to the precepts of the Church."
"There are those who lied about others, and destroyed their reputations. These are them." He shows me souls who are having molten lead poured down their throats. It burns holes through their necks but does not stop. On a ledge around this fire are many angels--more than I can count. Alanus says, "These are the guardian angels of those poor souls being purified at this level. Through all of this suffering, the souls' greatest trial is separation from God."
I saw souls who seemed to have their flesh melting away. This, too, was unending. Alanus said, "These are the ones who were guilty of sins of the flesh."
We moved on to view the next level. There seemed to be something like water poured down on the fire so the flames were smaller--not as intense. Alanus said, "Blood and water from the Side of Jesus continually flows upon the souls on this level." The souls were suffering, but all their suffering seemed more
alike, and for some reason, the souls seemed more united. They had their hands raised towards an opening. They seemed to be begging for mercy. Alanus told me, "They suffer intensely for not being in God's Presence."
We moved on to what seemed like a much better area. These souls looked more like people, but they were gray. Alanus said, "These are the ones closest to Paradise. They are almost completely purified. They need maybe one Mass, or one rosary; maybe one Hail Mary to enter eternal joy."
"So you see, decorating graves is not what souls, long deceased, cry out for. Many spend long centuries in Purgatory, for their loved ones think they are in Heaven. If you pray and sacrifice for these holy souls, they will assist you now and at the hour of your death."
"Make it known."
Source: ➥