Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, April 3, 2005
Divine Mercy Sunday – Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field; (This message was given in multiple parts over two days); (Saturday 4/2 a.m. and 4/3 12:10 a.m.)
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus is here as He is in the Divine Mercy Image. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today, in My Mercy, I have come to tell you that the future of the world depends upon its treatment of the weakest and most defenseless of all. The heart of the world must reflect Holy Love in order that true peace can take up its reign. As long as righteousness is compromised, peace will be compromised. You cannot take life from the womb or shorten life that you see as useless, and expect God's favor upon you."
"Justice has been withheld by the efforts of certain saintly souls, but even these measures are falling short now, as some have been called to Heaven and evil is on the rise. It is time to take account of where you are headed and cast yourselves upon the ocean of My Mercy. Place yourselves within the Compassionate Heart of your Savior. No longer be imprisoned in the tomb of sin, but be free in the Divine Will of My Father."
"In this area of the world, you see the environment as hostile to My call seeking your presence here. Yet, I tell you, hearts all over the world must be the focus of your visit here. For it is hearts that are unrepentant and hostile to My Divine Mercy--hearts that will not look at their own sins--that are a reflection of the cold and unfriendly weather you are experiencing here."
"I invite all people and all nations into the warmth and welcoming Mercy of My Heart. It is the recourse left to you if you desire a rebirth of faith in the world. My Mercy and My Love are one. Neither comes to you apart from the other. All are welcome in My Father's House which is Divine Love and Divine Mercy Itself."
"You will reflect on these words in the near future. They will take on added meaning in the days to come, just as the passing of this Holy Pontiff will take on added weight after he comes to Me."
(4/3/05 12:10 a.m.)
"I have come so that you will allow Mercy and Love reign in your hearts, and take dominion over the heart of the world. In the Church you must allow My Mercy and Love to reign and be in charge. You must recognize Mercy and Love as the army of victims that will form beneath the Wound of My Heart. These victims are the power of this age."
"I'm taking all your petitions to Heaven tonight where they will rest at My Feet and My Precious Blood will cover them. You have nothing to fear."
Pope John Paul II is now with Jesus, standing to His right, and they both bless us.
Source: ➥