Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." They greet the priests in the apparition room.
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I come to remind the world that the future of humanity rests on the degree of Holy Love in hearts. The fruit of Holy Love is peace and harmony with the Will of God. The fruit of hatred and love of self above all else is war, terrorism, famine, disease and every sort of natural disaster."
"The barometer of Holy Love in hearts is the acceptance or rejection of sins such as abortion, same sex marriage and the sin of indecision concerning these issues. Government and Church leaders need to call these issues what they are--sins, not rights. The Ten Commandments may not be in vogue with some in the world, but they are still dictates from God to His people. No law can change that."
"If you want wars and violence to stop, then turn away from compromise and sin and choose Holy Love. Those who support politicians who are in favor of abortion are as guilty as the abortionist who wields the instruments of death. Those who support homosexuality and/or same sex marriages in any way--for any reason--are guilty of sin, as well. Do not support sin because it is stylish or popular."
"Once again I come into the world to call sinners onto the path of righteousness. This is the path of Holy and Divine Love that leads you through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. As you progress through these Sacred Chambers, allow Me to penetrate your heart with My Divine Love. Love must be sanctified by reciprocation. It is only by allowing Me into your heart that you will be transformed according to the Will of God."
"Until now the heart of the world has been an empty chamber. But now, I offer you the warmth and security of My Merciful, Loving Heart. The more you empty yourselves of selfishness, the more I am able to fill you with Divine Love."
"I come to help you understand that the journey through Our United Hearts is a journey of Loving Trust. Therefore, do not fear the future. When you fear, dear ones, you lose your focus on Our United Hearts and think in human terms--'what will happen to me, my family, my environment?' I am calling you to a greater reality--the spiritual reality of Our United Hearts where you will always be safe and secure when you lovingly trust in Me."
"The future of your country begins in the present moment. If, through your free will, you choose Holy and Divine Love, you will help to shape a secure future for America. The choice is up to each soul and to all souls."
"My brothers and sisters, how I long to fill each heart with My Divine Love. It is in this way that the Will of My Father will take up its reign over all people--every nation, and the whole world. When I return it will be in and through Divine Love. You can hasten My Triumph by spreading the Messages of Holy and Divine Love."
"Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥