Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus appears with light streaming from His Wounds. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"You see My Mercy, My Forgiveness before you, spilling from My Wounds of Love. From moment to moment, souls present themselves to Me for their judgment and their souls are filled with unforgiveness. Purgatory is filled with such as these. Here I do not speak of that unforgiveness which is deeply buried in the soul-so deeply buried that the soul is unaware of it. The unforgiveness which bears the weight of judgment is the grudge that is willingly carried and allowed to bear bitter fruit in the heart and in the world."
"It is not that My Sacrifice was not enough for such as these, but that these begrudging souls will not allow themselves to enter into the sacrifice with Me. They cannot love when it is most difficult to love. They will not embrace the cross of personal injury and insult. The unforgiving do not imitate My Divine Mercy."
"Because Divine Mercy and Divine Love are My Father's Will, souls such as these reject God's Divine Will for them. It is a grace to be given the opportunity to forgive. For in practicing forgiveness for wrongs perpetrated against himself, the soul expresses his love for Me. His heart is unburdened. Then he is carried deeper into Divine Love."
"On the other hand, the unforgiving soul calls down judgment upon himself. He may be in purgatory from age to age. This is so, for he may have spread this bitterness of heart around him to others, as well. This crime must be obliterated along with the unforgiveness he carried to judgment within his own heart. Souls are not only answerable for their own hearts, but for what they have spread to other hearts, too."
"An unrepentant, bitter heart is like a tapeworm devouring everything in its path and ravaging the heart that hosts it.
"I will speak to you again on this subject. Make this known."
Source: ➥