Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, January 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I come to you without pretense, not claiming affiliation with any one group, for I come for all. Prayer, no matter its format, is a universal language. Understand, then, that like prayer, love is a universal language. So, it follows that this Prayer Site and the Messages are for all people and all nations. This type of love that I speak of--Holy Love--does not rise from a heart that holds self-interest as a motive, but only God and neighbor. I am asking each one who hears the Message to take it into his own heart and to give it to others through an act of charity."
"I have come to give you a greater understanding of these times you live in. The reason there is so much insecurity in the world today is that all hearts do not embrace Truth and Justice. If hearts are full of self-interest, this is what governs their free will; for what the heart embraces motivates thought, word and deed."
"This is true of each soul, but has particular impact upon those who lead. Authority and leadership become compromised through love of power, money and reputation. It is in this way that leaders abuse their authority and lead by control instead of gently guiding. This has been true of every dictator who desires absolute power above truth and justice. It was true in My day, and it is still true today."
"This is why this Mission exists today--to spread the commandments of love through all nations. Those who oppose you--oppose Me. Those who assist you will receive My assistance. Each soul is called to evangelize Holy Love."
"Once again, please understand, Truth and Justice cannot take up their reign in hearts that do not embrace Holy Love. Satan tempts hearts and introduces lies into hearts that do not embrace Holy Love. The enemy is insidious. He makes lies look reasonable and justified through some pretense of good, when in truth, what he suggests is merely a transgression against the law of love."
"This is how he promotes dissention in My Church. He convinces the dissenters that their liberal ideas are just when really they are self-serving. Authority is abused when it serves only to bring lack of trust into the Church itself. I intend to restore My Church in righteousness and truth. My Victory is coming on the wings of Holy Love. Today I'm taking all your petitions into My Divine Heart. Some lives will be changed forever."
"I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Source: ➥