Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Friday, December 12, 2003

Midnight Service at United Hearts Shrine; Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Our Lady is here as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." (She smiles and nods Her Head, greeting the people.)

"I come today with a sad heart. My dear, dear children, centuries ago when I appeared on Mt. Tepeyac in Mexico as Our Lady of Guadalupe I came to convert the pagan Aztecs. The sign of My coming was welcomed and accepted by the Bishop, and the good I came to accomplish was brought to fruition. Today, My visits are not welcomed by hierarchy in many places around the world. The fruits are hidden under a cloud of disapprovals and condemnations."

"My coming to you here tonight, as in all of Heaven's interventions, is for God's purpose, not My own. The heart of My Son's Church on earth has been pierced by a sword. There is division where there must be unity. The Tradition of Faith is challenged by those who would have her embrace liberalism. The Church will never be united under the torn and tattered umbrella of liberalism which condones certain sins. Jesus sends Me to give you the way of unity which is My Mantle of Love. Under My Mantle, I will protect you from the enemy and take you into My Immaculate Heart. Herein, find the unity the Church seeks. Herein is righteousness."

"As in my Heavenly interventions at Guadalupe, I come, My dear little children, to protect you and lead you away from paganism. I have come to place on your hearts the seal of the true faith. The ongoing battle in this Diocese is not about 'ecumenism' or even the authenticity of My Heavenly visits. It is just another arena where the war between good and evil is being waged. This is the war between liberalism and the Tradition of Faith."

"My dear little children, I have not come to you to demand approvals or even to seek them. I am here to uncover evil and bring light to darkness so that you will not be tricked by opinions or misled by those who oppose Me. I come to bring all people and all nations under My Mantle of Love where there is no conflict, terror or sin. The Heart of My Son cries out for Justice. Do not persuade His Arm of Justice to fall by condoning sin with your silence. Do not find compassion in your hearts for those who live sinful alternate life styles. God's mercy does not fall upon the arrogant, but the repentant. Remain faithful to the laws of Holy Love."

"Today the wind of controversy blows through the Church and the world at large, bringing with it confusion and compromise. Do not fear, but let the Flame of My Heart which is Holy Love draw you back on the path of righteousness. The Flame of Holy Love offers a universal call to conversion, holiness and sanctity to every heart--each soul. My Son will not be outdone in His generosity. He offers His love to one and all through the Heart of His Mother. When you surrender to My call He will give you all you need, and more in return, through Holy and Divine Love."

"My dear, dear little children, I have come--your Heavenly Mother is here. I come to give you peace and to give you the grace of My Heart. Understand, My children, that your Heavenly Mother has prepared for you the greatest graces and strengths--all that you need sufficient to overcome your most powerful enemies. My children, My Hands are filled with your petitions and My Heart is filled with love for you tonight."

"Continue to pray, pray, pray. Your Heavenly Mother is praying with you and blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."

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