Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, September 15, 2003
Midnight Service at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine/Lake of Tears; Feasts of The Triumph of the Cross 9/14 and The Sorrowful Mother 9/15
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She says: "All praise, honor and glory to My Son, Jesus." There are hundreds of angels above all the people here, and around Blessed Mother angels are holding the Rosary of the Unborn.
Blessed Mother says: "Dear children, I come to you once again on this commemoration of My Sorrows to offer you the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love itself. Today every freedom is threatened through slavery to sin. All around you are wars and violence. All of this comes from hearts that fail in Holy Love - hearts full of malice and vengeance. You see terrorism and war as conflicts between nationalities and religions. I tell you, these things occur when hearts fail to answer My universal call to live in Holy Love."
"Each heart must become an imitation of My Motherly Heart. Each heart must be like a little Refuge of Holy Love if you desire to live in peace and according to God's plan for you. False promises between men beget false peace. I am here to show you the way of genuine peace. You must respond with your free will. Otherwise, My words will do you no good, and the path to peace that I lay bare will go untraveled."
"Dear children, I come to you tonight to draw apart My Remnant Faithful. You are the ones who cling tenaciously to the Tradition of Faith no matter the onslaught of compromise. You must not allow yourselves to be tricked by the evil one and to become part of the modern day sub-culture. This is a culture that worships the false god of self. When self becomes more important than God and neighbor, you have every sort of crime against innocence, abortion - all forms of debauchery. Anything is made to appear good if it serves self."
"I am asking each of you, My dear children, to turn your hearts over to Me before it is too late. I cannot be victorious in your heart unless you choose it. You are not part of My Remnant because you say so, but because you have given your heart over to Holy Love and you cling to the faith."
"Tonight the favor of My Heart rests upon you. My Son allows His Heart to be moved by your petitions. Many situations will be resolved in and through Holy Love soon. Marriages will be restored in love. Hearts that are convicted tonight of errors against the commandments of love will find a new relationship with God. Heaven will open Her arms to the sinner. God's Divine Will will be accepted in peace. Priests will be strengthened in their vocations and each one here will find their vocation in holiness. Those who suffer afflictions will find peace in My Motherly Arms. Tonight My Heart is truly the accommodation, both of sorrow and of joy. Tonight the Cross and the Victory are one."
"Many of you have traveled far distances, both physically and spiritually. For some of you, your hearts have been far away from Me. I have called you, My dear children, come to Me and allow your hearts to be converted. Oh, how I cry copious tears for those who will not turn their hearts over to Me. The greatest natural resource any country can have is not gold or silver or oil, but is a righteous heart - a heart that seeks God."
"My dear, dear children, I weep for you. Yes, I weep for you but I rejoice as well, as I see many here who will change their hearts."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥