Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, December 30, 2002
Monday, December 30, 2002
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I have come to you, your Jesus, born Incarnate. We are about to enter upon another year. During this coming year there will be wars on many fronts. But the greatest war continues to be the war that is waged in hearts. This is the war that generates war amongst people and nations if evil wins out."
"If hearts choose God and His Commandments of Love, you will have peace. It is for this reason Satan opposes these Messages with such vehemence and under the guise of good. He does not want the world to love, but to hate. The adversary seeks your destruction."
"But I have come to you seeking your assistance. I need each one's cooperation with grace. Pray your rosaries and ask for peace in hearts. Make holy hours of reparation before My Real Presence."
"Here are the benefits of one holy hour well-made:"
"When you lay your petitions at the foot of the altar, angels carry them to Heaven."
"When you make a holy hour and then recite an Our Father, Hail Mary and All Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father, the punishment due your sins is remitted. Or, if you offer these same prayers, but give the graces earned to a poor soul in purgatory, he will be released."
"The practice of making a daily holy hour brings truth to light and scatters darkness."
"I draw into My Sacred Heart those who esteem My Real Presence. They will be drawn quickly through the Chambers of the United Hearts. I will convict their consciences, making it difficult for them to resist Me."
"Make these things known."
Source: ➥