Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, September 15, 2002
Midnight Service at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine/Lake of Tears; Feasts of The Triumph of the Cross 9/14–The Sorrowful Mother 9/15
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. My dear children, please pray an 'Our Father' and 'All Glory Be' with Me so that evil that lies in hearts may be revealed."
"From the beginning of time God has foreseen the shadow of evil that would overtake hearts and the world if they did not choose the Divine Will. Each nation that has become hedonistic in the past has fallen to ruin. But your nation today has become arrogant. Do not think that to unite against terrorism is enough--or the solution. You must be united in Holy Love. For only spiritual union can defeat this spiritual evil."
"Because of advances in communications, travel and weaponry, the most remote areas of the world are at your doorstep. Territories that are fought over on the other side of the globe yield a worldwide threat. Beliefs and ideals that promote hate and violence once seemed worlds away. Now, they are in your midst."
"Never has there been a more crucial hour in human history. Never has there been a greater need for conversion of hearts through Holy Love."
"It is not enough to rely on diplomacy or to amass great weapons. These rely on human effort and promote false security. You must put your trust in God through Holy Love. When you bring God into the equation, He will act on your behalf. He will thwart the enemies of those who trust in Him. He will bring true peace to your hearts and to the world."
"Today, My dear children, there is the threat of germ warfare and you fear the spread of certain diseases. But a greater threat than any disease that attacks your body is the spiritual disease that already is present in epidemic proportions. The symptoms of this disease are apathy, death of innocence, abortion and paganism. While this spiritual disease invades all walks of life--even the Church itself--it goes unchecked, destroying the soul's relationship with His Creator."
"But you can be inoculated against this deadly, spiritual disease--pray, fast, come close to My Beloved Son in the Eucharist. Then you will progress in trust and love, and the enemy of your soul will be warded off."
"I invite your country to unite once again under God. Put your trust in God. He will then be with you in every battle and through every conflict."
"Heaven is watching the unfolding of events in the troubled Middle East. Once again, I remind you that Satan is the father of lies. Do not believe in him. Sometimes it is necessary to choose the greater good--to lose some lives in battle in order to prevent the loss of many. Such was the case with St. Joan D'Arc."
"Be united under the Flag of Refuge of Holy Love. Your victory will then be sealed in Heaven and on earth. I continually intercede on behalf of your good president. To those who would oppose him because of the risk of loss of life, I say--oppose abortion, instead. This, too, is a battle. More Americans lose their lives on this battlefield than in any of your wars."
"I am taking the petitions in the hearts of those here tonight to Heaven with Me to present them to My Son."
"My dear, dear children, tonight I invite you to understand that the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart is your port in any storm. Tonight I am pressing all of your needs into My Heart. Come to Me, My children. When you return to your homes and points of origin, and you remember the miracles of this evening, remember the greatest miracle is the message itself. Begin the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. I love you, My dear children, and I am always with you."
"I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥