Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, July 26, 2002
Friday, July 26, 2002
Message from St. Thomas Aquinas given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "I have come in praise of Jesus, born Incarnate."
"In order for the soul to make a steady ascent up the ladder of virtue, he must have his hands firmly planted on both hand rails--Holy Love and Holy Humility. As he ascends, he reaches up higher on each side to pull himself to the next step. This action represents the soul's deeper commitment to love and humility."
"I will describe for you the loving, humble soul as a goal to aim for. Such a soul always places God first, ahead of self and neighbor. To do so, his thoughts, words and actions are towards pleasing the foremost object of his love. Through love of God, the soul loves his neighbor--seeing God's creation in his neighbor. For love's sake, he tries to overcome disordered self-love. This action embraces humility."
"The humble soul regards all others as holier than himself. He knows his place before God and tries to please God. He does not look for faults in others, but looks for good. He is submissive to God's Will in all things and in every way. He uses the goods of the world to give glory to God. In so doing, he does not consider cost to self. This means he does not look at how everything affects him. His thoughts, words and actions are turned towards God, not towards himself and the world. In essence he loses sight of himself. He is not concerned for his reputation in the world, but only for his relationship with God."
"These hand rails of Holy Love and Holy Humility are not always easy to maintain a hold of. Satan tries to grease them with his temptations so that the soul loses his grip. It is only with the assistance of grace from the Heart of Our Heavenly Mother the soul can even begin the climb. If the hand should slip from one side or the other, Our Lady is there, placing the hand--finger by finger--back where it belongs."
Source: ➥