Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, July 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. It is the Divine and Perfect Will of My Eternal Father that I come to you today in order to increase, unite and strengthen the Remnant Faithful. From this day forward all My Public Messages to you will be under the title: Divine Love Speaks To The Remnant Faithful. It is this Remnant that perseveres in the Tradition of Faith despite all obstacles."
"I come, My brothers and sisters, to bring you into the richness of My Sacred Heart. I desire to share with you the bitter grievances of My Heart. I ask that you reflect upon these grievances and assuage My Heart with your love--your Holy Love."
"First and foremost, I grieve for the loss of innocence in the world. Because of modern communications and travel, this loss of the virtue of chastity is more widespread than ever before. Innocent little children are used and exploited by a pleasure-seeking segment of the population."
"Closely adjoined to this grievance is the taking of innocent lives through artificial birth control and abortion. Artificial contraception is most often just another form of abortion. The innocent lives I give are destroyed before they can flourish in the womb. Couples prefer the pleasure, but not the new life."
"I also grieve for the worship of false idols by so many. The gods of money, power and unnatural sins of the flesh have consumed the heart of the world."
"I come to you today to ask you, not only to soothe My aching Heart, but the Heart of My Mother who suffers intimately along with Me. The only solution for all of these grievances of My Heart is Holy Love; for Holy Love alone can heal all wounds."
"I desire the welfare of your souls which can only come to you through love. Therefore, I call you into the spectrum of Holy Love which is holiness and salvation itself. This alone is the solution to man's desensitization towards God and His Commandments. Holy Love dictates an end to terror in the womb and in the world. Holy Love calls all humanity to unite and to step into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. Outside of Holy Love, you are not living in harmony with God's Divine Will."
"I am blessing you today with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Source: ➥