Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Friday, April 5, 2002

Monthly Message to All Nations

Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus and Our Lady greet Father Kenney (Maureen's spiritual director) by nodding Their Heads toward him, and a light came from Blessed Mother's Heart onto Father Kenney.

Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, do not languish longer in disbelief, for this is the compromise Satan presents to you, to keep you from living the Message of Holy and Divine Love. Nor should you allow your hearts to give in to the temptation of discouragement and fear. Trust in Me--trust in My Mercy. Await with joyful hope the coming victory of Our United Hearts."

"I have come to bring peace to hearts--hearts that will trust in My Mercy. My Divine Mercy is from age to age and from horizon to horizon upon the repentant heart. My Mercy falls upon all mankind, not out of deservedness, but out of each one's need."

"Once again I remind you that those who love Me--trust in Me. To trust in Me is to trust in the attribute of My Mercy. It is the unrepentant whose hearts I have come to change. These are the ones who do not look into their own hearts. They do not try to earn their salvation through love. This is why the world is torn asunder with every kind of sin. The fruit of these sins is war. Because so little value is placed upon human life, the sins today far outweigh the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah."

"This is why the Message and the Mission here of Holy and Divine Love far exceed any in attempting to form hearts in love. This is why the Messages lay bare Satan--his snares and his tactics. Do not be surprised at the inroads Satan has made where he is exposed, or the types of sins which are now coming to light. This could not remain under the cover of darkness longer. While it is bringing down those in high places, even within the Church, it is necessary in order that the festering sore be healed. Many consciences now will be stripped of their compromise. Just as the Mission here is the salvation of souls, it must be so in My Church, as well. Reputation and money cannot be first. All must be surrendered to Me."

"I tell you the greatest threat to mankind today is not terrorism, certain infamous and elusive leaders or even nuclear weapons. The greatest threat is the evil hidden in hearts that would exceed any lengths to obtain its end. I tell you there is an evil alliance forming in certain hearts which will come to light soon. This is not a war over territories or boundaries, but a war between good and evil."

"The mission here - though ecumenical - will continue as a strong link to orthodoxy and tradition. It will become even stronger and sought out as a spiritual refuge amidst blight. The boundaries of this mission will expand, both in hearts and in the world. The enemy's tongue will be tied. He will be seen to trip over his own tail. He will be seen to be like a lion without teeth or claws--harmless in the face of the good My mission will accomplish."

"The Rosary of the Unborn will become the weapon of choice, both in Heaven and on earth in the war against abortion, so prepare for this. Take up your arms, children of God. Prepare! Stalemates which have affected My Mission until now will be resolved. Projects will continue and begin anew. Those who defend and assist this Mission, I will defend and assist. Those who make themselves your adversaries are My adversaries, as well."

"Today We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."

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