Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, October 5, 2001
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." (Jesus and Blessed Mother were surrounded by the Rosary of the Unborn. There were large angels stationed at each of the 'Our Father' beads.)
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to ask you to stop killing the life I lovingly place in the womb. Each life that is snuffed out changes the world forever."
"My brothers and sisters, I come to you today clothed in truth and openness. I hide nothing from you. I have no ulterior motive aside from the safety, salvation and well-being of every soul from the moment of conception until natural death. I beg your country today to take heed of My call to end legalized abortion. Do not wait until My solution is your last alternative."
"I desire that all humanity unite under the Seal of Holy and Divine Love--the two great commandments that embrace all the commandments. Yes, I long to place My Kiss of Divine Love upon the heart of the world. Then abortion would cease--war would end and terror would lose her grip upon the throat of the world."
"My brothers and sisters, it is when you do not place God first, and when you do not love your neighbor as you do yourselves, that right reason leaves you. Your consciences become compromised and you cannot distinguish good from evil. This is the state of confusion governments are in when they legislate unjust laws. It is the state of convoluted thinking that leads people to acts of terror. This is how souls open their hearts to Satan. The world cannot prosper in such confusion. Little by little, Satan is establishing his anarchy--first in hearts--then in the world."
"But I have come to tell you what the adversary does not want you to hear; that is, that every Mass you attend, every Communion you receive, every holy hour you make, every prayer or rosary you say, weakens the enemy forever in some soul somewhere in the world. This is the way to victory, little by little--one soul at a time patiently persevering in Holy Love."
"The war you are engaged in is not over property or even lives. It is about souls. It is good against evil. This is why I come here today seeking to place My Seal upon your hearts. My Seal is Holy and Divine Love. It is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me spiritually, and he can't have you. But I can only place My Seal upon your heart when you obey the two great commandments of love. Hasten to live the message and begin your journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts; for when I return in Victory, all will be in the Fifth Chamber of My Heart--the Kingdom of the Divine Will."
"In truth I tell you that your nation's stance on legalized abortion is the determining factor in your national security. For years Heaven has stood by and watched as the security of the baby in the womb was violated and life taken. Solemnly I tell you, recognize abortion as a face of evil and an enemy to world security. You will not have genuine peace until abortion is overturned. Do not see My words to you today as a threat, but as a grace."
"We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥