Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, September 15, 2001
Midnight Service at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine/Lake of Tears; Feasts of The Exaltation of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Sorrows. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, during this hour of grief, understand that your Heavenly Mother stands at the foot of the Cross with you. I sorrow with you for this senseless loss of life. Place your sorrow deep within the wounds of My Jesus."
"My message to you as a nation is this: GOD ALONE IS THE GIVER AND TAKER OF LIFE. Whenever man presumes to take upon himself the role of God, the world is changed forever."
"A stark parallel emerges from this national tragedy. Within minutes the false sense of security this nation enjoyed was stripped away. Lives were destroyed. Violent death was incurred upon the innocent. So too, in the womb the security of the innocent baby is destroyed within minutes. Life is destroyed by the evil plans of another. It is called 'abortion', but it varies little from the national disaster your nation now mourns. Yet, who mourns with Me at the foot of the Cross for the senseless loss of these innocent lives? As a nation I invite you--I plead with you--to do so. Do not mourn one national tragedy and ignore the other."
"Just as the planes became instruments of death by penetrating those buildings with a destructive force, so too, the instruments of the abortionists invade the privacy of the womb--wielding death. In each case the terrorists and the participants in abortion feel justified through convoluted thinking."
"But My Son, the Just Judge, does not reason this way. He reasons with a righteous Heart. In His Infinite Mercy He stands ready to forgive the contrite heart--even the heart guilty of such heinous acts as these. My Jesus does not forgive the unrepentant."
"My dear children, I have come to you so that you may be reconciled with God. The path of reconciliation is Holy Love. The path of judgment is arrogance, hatred and vengeance. God's judgment falls upon those people and nations who do not live in love. Therefore, I have come to call all people and every nation under the seal of Holy Love."
"If you live in Holy Love--that is, your heart is loving--you will have love in your world around you. If you have evil in your heart, that too, will spread to the world around you. Evil begets evil. Love begets love."
"My dear, dear little children, tonight more than ever, I need you to abandon yourselves to my Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love. When you begin to live these messages and hold them in your heart, you come under the seal of Holy Love. This is a special sign of your predestination, your salvation, and it is a sign to Satan that you belong to me. You do not have to travel many miles over land and sea to receive this special seal. For this seal is yours when you begin to live these messages."
"Tonight my dear, dear children, my sympathy rests upon you. My prayers are with you, and I am carrying your petitions to Heaven. Do not fear--I am holding you in my arms, and tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥