Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, May 5, 2000
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation; Third Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady is here all in white and is framed in a large pearl rosary. The United Hearts appear very large to the front of Her. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I am Mary, Ever-Virgin. Today, with a Mother's love, I am calling all of My children into My Immaculate Heart - Refuge of Holy Love. Many of you spend much time and are greatly distracted about your physical well-being and security. I tell you, all this is passing."
"I have come to call you into the only eternal Refuge - for this Refuge is your salvation. No one enters Heaven except through the portal of My Heart, which is Holy Love. For who can be admitted who will not love God above all else and his neighbor as himself? Do not let your hearts be earthbound then, My dear children. But, like a bird lifted on the wind, take flight to My Heart, the only certain, eternal Refuge."
"I do not come to you to bring you unity as the world knows it. It is Satan who promotes one world government, one monetary system, and one world religion. This new world order is false. It will bring dictatorship and, with it, loss of freedom, confusion, and grave persecutions."
"I have come to remind you that there is a God in Heaven. It is He Who must rule all hearts through surrender to His Divine Will. Until this occurs, you will only have false peace, false security. For true peace, which is based on Divine Love, cannot be legislated."
"My dearest children, I have come to be with you today, not only to bring you My Grace and many miracles, but to ask your continued prayers and your continual conversion in the present moment. For it is by such efforts I am able to withhold the Hand of Justice. My children, come to Me as a member of My spiritual army, armed with many sacrifices, prayers, and penances. Then as a member of My army of victim souls, I will lead you deep into the Chambers of the Heart of My Divine Son."
Our Lady then gave Her Special Blessing.
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