Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, October 2, 1999
Saturday, October 2, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come today to invite you into the Kingdom of My Divine Love. This Kingdom can only be entered by the portal of Holy Love."
"My Kingdom of Divine Love is like the first moment when you realize that someone you love very much, also loves you. Or the Kingdom of Sacred and Divine Love is like stepping from a busy street into a forest aflame with autumn color. Still again, My Kingdom of Divine Love is like suddenly being escorted onto a path of life when you had been slipping to your death."
"In the Kingdom of Divine Love is your peace, your solace, your guide, and victory. When you choose to enter, your every motive of thoughts, words and actions is to please Me and then your neighbor. All your joy is in this. Everything else is passing, as it does not bring everlasting joy. The peace and joy that arises from this Flame of Divine Love is the New Jerusalem, the victory the eternal path of righteousness in the soul."
"Divine Love longs to hold the soul captive. All that challenges Divine Love is from evil. In this, recognize that self love is promoted by Satan himself. When I speak of self love, I do not speak of self respect, which I desire you to have. No, I speak of inordinate desires of the heart that carry you away from Me. I speak of inordinate concern for comforts, the state of your health, or your appearance. Inordinate means excessive."
"I encourage every heart to detach from these things and fill their hearts with Me, as I desire to be the center of every heart. Such a step at times may require heroics. But My Mother will come with Her grace to help you. I have created each heart for such an existence. Divine Love is the ultimate goal, the Divine Will for each one. And, you will make this known."
Source: ➥