Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, September 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. They come out of a bright light. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be Jesus."
Jesus: "Today I will pray over the people." He extends His Hands out over the crowd.
"My sister, you must take this down for the people who come today. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today as My Mother and I appear to you, the shopping malls are crowded, the sports arenas packed with fans, the television sets blaring. Few come here, for it is more difficult to believe than to disbelieve. If the soul chooses belief, that means he must take strides in personal holiness, for the Message of Holy Love dictates this. The Message of Holy Love is not just for the intellectual or the elite, but it is for everyone. It is simplicity itself - stripping away pretense and false virtue and baring the heart, as it is, before God - loving or non-loving. Do not be surprised, then, when the Mission of Holy Love incites controversy and contempt. It is a Gospel Message. When I spoke it Myself, two thousand years ago, the reaction was much the same."
"The Holy Love mission is in the world here, today, for it is the solution to abortion, apostasy, and war. It is the bridge souls must traverse to be reconciled with their Creator. Today I come to challenge the weak, the lukewarm, and the doubters. Live the message of Holy Love! Try it on as a new garment. Your lives will change."
"In the world I am establishing the Confraternity of the United Hearts. The United Hearts are victorious here today in the hearts of those who believe. These are the hearts of the people who dwell in My Mother's Heart through Holy Love, and thus have been drawn into Our United Hearts. Through love you are part of the army of love that will liberate the world from sin."
"My brothers and sisters, you represent here a cross section of America. I am asking you today to conform your wills to the Will of Almighty God. Live in the present in love, for it is only through conformity to God's Will through the Holy Love message that you will prosper any good. It is lack of love in hearts that perpetuates disease, war, and famine in the world. I am asking you now, in this present moment, to let your hearts be one with Our United Hearts - through this law of Holy Love. Today, We will extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
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