Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, July 4, 1998
Saturday, July 4, 1998
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes in pale colors. Her Heart is exposed with thorns around it. She looks sad. She says: "All praise be to Jesus."
"My angel, today, I invite you deeper into My Heart to understand the pain I feel as your country celebrates the birth of its freedom."
"Your country is entering a new century, far distant from the God it proclaims to trust. Instead of freedom your government has chosen slavery to sin. The Christian principles it was founded upon have been distorted, twisted, and compromised so that the citizens of most value and esteem are the rich, the young, and the powerful. This is not of God."
"The Ten Commandments are no longer valued. Those that do abide by them face mockery. The lowest of the low, the poorest of the poor, the weakest of the weak - such as the unborn - are the ones of most importance to God. It is the treatment of such as these that will determine the future of your country and of the world. Bring these to Me in your prayers daily."
Now the thorns around Her Heart open, and a stream of light comes out of Her Heart. "Please understand, My daughter, that My merciful love is upon this Mission and upon you, yourself. Great graces are forthcoming. Many and great doors are opening. As you proceed along this path, I invite you to come closer to Me. This is possible through your own efforts in holiness."
"Understand, Satan is always busily trying to unravel My plans. Be watchful."
I asked for the needs of all on the prayer line and those who came to the healing service. She nodded.
"I have confided to you My greatest need, which is Holy Love in each heart."
Now I see many little hearts coming out of Her Heart. "These are My apostles of love - My missionaries, whom I am sending into the world. Pray for them."
"I am blessing you."
Source: ➥