Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, April 12, 1998
Monthly Message for All Nations
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be Jesus, Redeemer and King. Alleluia! He reigns with a scepter of Holy Love. Alleluia! He is King of all nations and every heart. Alleluia!"
"Dear children, once again, I invite you to pray with Me for those who will not yield to Holy Love."
Maureen asked Her to pray for everyone here; and She said: "My child, your petitions are My petitions, and will go with Me to Heaven today."
"Dear children, the tomb is empty yet glows with the light of love, for there sits an angel. I ask you, My dear children, to understand My call to you. Open your hearts that the light of the tomb, the light of love, may enter. Once again, I ask you to take My message with you into the world."
"My dear children, today, I invite you to feel My Son's Resurrection in your souls. As all of nature is awakening and bursting with life, I invite you to let your hearts awaken and to blossom in faith, hope, and Holy Love. Never before has such an opportunity been given to humanity. As you allow your hearts to bloom in Holy Love, you yourselves must fertilize the message in the world around. If you do not, then you have not received the message as I desired that you receive it. The telling of your depth of holiness is the depth of Holy Love in your heart today."
"Do not desire sanctity in the future but in the present moment."
"Do not come looking for a schedule of events, or a time table of disasters; but come seeking your own conversion through Holy Love in the present moment."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. They extend Their Blessing of the United Hearts.
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