Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, February 28, 1998
Saturday, February 28, 1998
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She is once again singing. "Come to Me, My daughter, come. Look at Me. I am loving you."
When I look up, She says: "All praise be Jesus. Thank you for coming here and for waiting for Me. Today, during this penitential season, I have come to unite My Heart to yours and, through you, to all willing hearts. There is much suffering and insecurity in the world. My children must not allow anxiety or fear to overcome them. I am their Refuge. If they trust only in human efforts, they will fear. They need to place their trust in God. They need to surrender to the grace of Divine Providence in the present moment. All around you are signs of infidelity to God - even in nature itself. It is only through love of God you can be united to Him. Each moment wasted in fear is a moment that could have been surrendered to love."
"I wish to describe to you now the Kingdom to come - the New Jerusalem. When My Son returns, all people will be united, and they will be reconciled with God. All will live in Holy Love. There will be no more fear. Prayer will be a staple of life. Love will be magnified in the environment, which will be stable and consistent, reflecting the love that is in hearts. Mankind will return to a simplistic existence, since sophistication will bring his demise before My Son's return. There will be no disease, pestilence, or inequality. People will answer My call to holiness with enthusiasm. My messages to you will be upheld as valid teachings on the path of holiness. Conflict and compromise will be stricken from hearts."
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