Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, January 12, 1998
Monthly Message to all Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Due to its length, this message was received in several parts.
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "Praise be Jesus. Ask the people to pray with Me now for the lukewarm."
"My daughter, I have come to speak to all nations, all people. Today, and in these times, the greatest error in hearts is trust in counterfeit gods. These are the gods of power, control, money, and the like. Worship of these gods leads the soul into false peace and false security. True peace comes when the soul ceases trying to control the world around him and decides to control his inordinate appetites. This detachment leads to trust in God, true peace, true security. Such detachment is necessary in your embrace of Holy Love."
"Trust in human effort unfounded in God yields an impoverished harvest. Every concern of yours, if surrendered to My Heart, is less a burden and more of a grace. This surrender gives you more control than you could ever gain by hanging onto your concerns yourself. Neither in the world nor in human effort will your solutions be satisfying, only in surrender to Divine Providence. God's Provision comes to you through My Heart."
"Because the world concedes its future to false gods, justice must and will intervene. It is up to each heart now to find truth and reconciliation with God. I show you the path through Holy Love."
"Dear children, today I come to solemnly remind you that My Son has exhausted a plenitude of grace and mercy on your behalf. You must return His favor with your 'yes' to My Call. It is through your submission to Holy Love that evil will be conquered and My Victory will begin. I am calling you, My dear children, as never before."
"I come to share with the world the great exacerbation of My Son's patience and grace. His Divine Heart lies openly wounded, thrust by the sword of humanity's indifference."
"And now, I repeat to you once again; the salvation of the world is in the conformity to the Will of God. Once again I tell you that the way to accomplish the Divine Will is through Holy Love. Holy Love is the Will of God."
"Some are interested in My words to you only to be privy to the latest predictions of disasters. Yes, you will have disasters, My children, if My words to you go unheeded."
"The signs of Sodom and Gomorrah are over all the earth - abortion being the greatest symptom of man's disregard for the commandments."
"I do not come to threaten but to plead. Open your hearts, My children, to Holy Love. It is your last and only hope of reconciliation with your Creator."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. The United Hearts Blessing is now being given.
Source: ➥