Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, December 25, 1997
Christmas Day
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes in a white mantle with a gold lining and a white gown. She is in a bright light and is holding the Infant Jesus. She says: "Praise be Jesus. Christmas blessings to you and your husband. I come to you tonight as Queen of the Universe, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I come to address all nations and all peoples."
"It is the hour of telling, the hour of decision. I invite all of My children to comprehend what is at hand. You will not achieve peace in the world until you accept and live in love. My Son was born Prince of Peace not to impose His Will but to show you how to love. He came to fill the valleys of your deficiencies and indecision with love. He came to lay level the mountains of your pride and self love with Holy Love."
"Today the world is in the valley of indecision on the brink of the abyss of God's purification. Surrender your will, and you will have the peace you seek through selfless desire. If you cannot and will not, you must expect the unfolding of the fruits of disunity. Do not look for the natural order of events but the disordered chain of events born of Satan's confusion."
"Love. Love God and your neighbor. My Son is returning, and you disregard the signs. Believe, and My grace will be yours. I will bless you through My grace, just as I bless you today through Holy Love."
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