Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, November 12, 1997
Monthly Message to all Nations
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

This message was given in two parts.
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "Praise be Jesus. Dear children, pray with Me now for all unbelievers."
"My angel, today I come to you, once again, seeking man's reconciliation with God. I appeal to all nations to be united with one heart in Holy Love. These days it is most obvious that what is in the heart of one nation affects all nations in the world. Sadly, there is a spiritual blight amongst government leaders. This lack of focus on God calls down His Justice upon all people, all nations."
"I have come once again to help you see that Holy Love is your justification. Failure in Holy Love causes every sort of disaster in nature and amongst men themselves. Man in his arrogance does not see that nature is connected to the Creator. Nor does he see that famine and disease are caused by spiritual hunger and a disease of the heart, namely self love."
"Today, I come still again asking each one to choose Holy Love - love of God and neighbor - above and beyond self love. Then I will show you My favor, My protection, My grace."
"I invite all to pilgrimage to My property. Here the grace of My Heart is pouring into the world. Certain ones will be made to see Me there. Others have already captured Me in the eyes of their camera. My Statue of Sorrows comes to life as a sign of My presence there. The flesh takes on the hue of real flesh, both to the naked eye and on film. Rosaries turn gold as a sign to all that prayer does change things. The scent of roses is further proof of My presence. Certain saints and angels will be photographed on the property as a sign of Heaven's favor. In the Mission Center, I will step out of the statue in the alcove as a sign of My greeting those who come. This too will be photographed."
"The healings at every source of water on the property will increase and continue. Those who recite the stations will find solace and healing. Much peace will be given in the station area. I will accompany those who pray the Way of the Cross there."
"Exceeding all of this is the grace of the Blessing of the United Hearts to be given on the 12th of the month and on every Monday evening. It carries with it the grace of conversion and reconciliation as well as healing."
"All these favors are offered to those who will come. Please ask the people to ask Jesus to forgive them any lack of love in their hearts as they approach the Spring and Lake of Tears."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother and Their Hearts are exposed.
Blessed Mother says: "Dear children, tonight I invite you to surrender to the peace of My Heart, for it is here you will find My grace and My peace. Dear children, I am calling you into the Refuge of My Heart during these times of great decision that weigh upon the world. Please understand that the time is short. There have not been enough prayers and sacrifices to stop God's Justice against sins committed against life. There is still time to strengthen the faithful remnant and increase My grace in the world, thus mitigating what is to come. Dear children, pray, pray, pray."
Jesus and Blessed Mother now extend the Blessing of the United Hearts.
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