Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, October 1, 1997
Wednesday, October 1, 1997
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be Jesus. My daughter, let My coming to you today be a sign to the world that My message of Holy Love is the thread that will reunite mankind with His Creator. I come in love seeking to enkindle the heart and soul of the world with the Flame of My Heart - the Flame of Holy Love. This holy surrender to My call is the choice which will take the world off its collision course with Justice."
"Today, sadly, your nation and most countries have chosen a course contrary to Holy Love. It is a path never before accepted with such conviction and lack of conscience. It is a path contrary to life and the laws of nature given by God. The world does not see the consequences of its choices. When I showed you all the states of your nation piled at My feet in a smoldering mass, I was revealing to you the end this nation and many others have chosen. It is a consequence that causes the angels to tremble before the throne of God seeking mitigation. I myself weep for such a loss."
"But that terrible day has not yet come. I am building for the Lord a remnant, mighty in prayer - unyielding in faith and tradition. These holy ones will endure through My certain and prevailing grace. This will be a time of the alpha and the omega. It will be a time of purification for the Church. It is necessary that the impure pass through this purifying Flame. But before this terrible day, Jesus sends Me to purify those who will respond to Me in the Flame of My Heart - which is Holy Love."
"To some, it seems too simplistic. Understand, the simple is difficult to live." (Now She has Therese of Lisieux with Her.) "All vocations and stations in life are to be vested in Holy Love, as this humble nun proclaimed. All must realize the significance of the present moment. It is in the present moment that the reality of your salvation lies. You are always in the Refuge of My Heart when you live this message."
"I have come to you offering this Holy Refuge and pleading for all people, all nations, to accept My invitation."
"Nationally, your nation is attempting to strengthen itself through a week of prayer and fasting. I will place all those who participate with a sincere heart under My mantle of protection and in the embrace of My Heart. Ask the people to fast from their own will. You will please make all of this known."
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