Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, September 10, 1997
Wednesday, September 10, 1997
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother: "Allow Me to continue. I have come to you attempting to show the way to personal holiness in the present moment through Holy Love. Some excuse themselves every fault by saying, 'It's my personality' or, 'We're human.' Yet, no attempt is made to correct these faults or to recognize Satan's hand in their midst. They allow themselves to be ruled by their emotions, rather than trying to conquer them through Holy Love. I do not come to excuse but to convict."
"I give you new and sufficient grace in each new present moment to overcome your faults and to come deeper into My Heart. You cannot hide from Me. You are always under My maternal gaze. Yet, if you believed I was with you always, you would not give in to anger and pride. You do not accept Me at My words."
"Surrender to Me. Do not give in to every emotion Satan throws at you. You should be progressing beyond infancy and into adulthood in your spiritual journey by now. You must learn to call on Me in time of need."
"At My shrine and around the world, I weep copious tears for the unrepentant. Do not be among them. Once again, I bless you."
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