Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, June 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

The following message was given in multiple parts. The parts are interspersed. Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be Jesus. Thank you for responding to my call to be here today. Pray with me now for those who hear but do not believe."
"Once again I come seeking your reconciliation with God. God remains constant in His steadfast love. It is you that have distanced yourselves from Him."
"Those who make gods of their free conscience, which is free will, are on the path to perdition. You cannot be saved outside of God's Holy and Divine Will, which is Holy Love."
"I come bringing you love and seeking your love in return." (Now she is showing me a human heart in front of her. It has many holes in it and something seems to be pouring out of the holes.) Our Lady says: "This is the heart of many in the world. All my grace escapes them. Perhaps they believe and follow the righteous path briefly. But Satan gains easy access through flaws in Holy Love. These holes you see are the flaws."
"Such a heart is compromised. This is how Satan has manipulated laws to his liking. Pray and sacrifice that hearts be made one with their Creator. I come to you so that Heaven and earth will be united in every human heart."
"My children, it is the hour of apocalypse spoken of by the prophet Daniel. Do not think that because evil thrives in hearts that God will not intervene. In His compassionate Mercy, He gives mankind every opportunity to convert and reverse all evil."
"I have come to show you the way to conversion. Open your hearts as roses in the sun. I have brought you here today for my purpose and your welfare, so that you will believe and help others to believe. I invite you into my Heart. You never know which chance may be your last. You do not know the hour of Jesus' return."
"Dear children, today you pray amidst my tears [it was raining]. I am sorrowful today for what is to come to the world, for the world as you know it teeters on the brink of disaster. It is by merit of your prayers and sacrifices that I am thus able to withhold the hand of justice. My dear children, see what is to come." Maureen now sees a globe of fire coming toward her that passes by. Then another globe appeared that was in total darkness."
"But it is within the Refuge of my Immaculate Heart that I will shelter you. Just as today you find shelter under your umbrellas, so my Heart will be your Refuge in the great trials that lie ahead, as also it will be your consolation."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. They extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
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