Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, August 20, 1996
Tuesday, August 20, 1996
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes in shimmering white. She says: "My daughter, as I always come, I come to give praise to Jesus. I desire that those souls truly consecrated to the Flame of My Heart live as witnesses to My victory in their hearts. These are the ones that must draw others into this Purifying Flame, and so, into the Refuge of My Heart."
"Here are the steps to entering this Refuge."
1. "First, as with any conversion, the soul must choose to enter My Heart."
2. "Next, the soul must die to self, putting others and God ahead of himself. In so doing, the soul is living the Holy Love message."
3. "The soul needs to recognize that choosing and living this way makes him a target of attack. Satan places such souls under siege. Knowing this, the soul needs to persevere through much prayer and sacrifice. This is the 3rd step."
4. "All of My children, who choose, live, and persevere in being purified in the Flame of Holy Love that is the Refuge of My Heart, must practice living in the present moment. The fourth step is to trust in this solemn refuge in the present moment which embraces your salvation."
5. "The fifth step is all-encompassing of the other four steps. My dear children must pray for the grace to love God's Will. This is your choice, your living the Holy Love message, your perseverance, and your trust. God wants all of these things for you -- in the present moment. God's Will is My Heart. God wills that you come into and abide in this Immaculate Refuge, a Refuge He has created for you."
"I desire all of My children know and understand this."
Source: ➥