Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, May 5, 1996
Feast of Holy Love
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here in white, the lining of Her mantle is gold, and She has a pink sash around Her waist. Our Lady says: "All praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, please pray with Me now for all those who do not have love in their hearts." We prayed.
"It is important that you know, My children, that when My Son returns, the world will be judged according to what is in hearts. Therefore, know and understand, that hearts which are not clothed in Holy Love call down God's justice upon themselves and the entire world. You do not know when you will face My Son. Therefore, you must see, much depends on your choice for Holy Love in the present moment."
"See that Satan gains his foothold in any part of you not surrendered to Holy Love."
"Every moment you do not love is lost forever, while the moments given over to Holy Love follow you into eternity. Those souls who surrender completely to Holy Love in this life will be seated at the foot of My throne in eternity."
"Sadly, I tell you today, that the world has lost its innocence. Earth is filling up with the blood of the unborn. Satan has woven a web of complacency and compromise which has ensnared many. But My coming to you is the key and the way out of Satan's snare. I plead that the world corrects its conscience through Holy Love, for this is the way back to God. Love God and love your neighbor enough to choose good over evil in every circumstance of life."
"Greater than the miracle of My coming to you is the miracle of My Son's Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Adore Him. Worship Him. Do not let His Presence amongst you go unattended."
"Further, I come to ask all those who oppose the Holy Father to humble themselves and return to the flock He shepherds. My children, be united in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary through love - Holy Love.
"Dear children, I come to you today because you believe. This morning you had the sun. Now you have clouds. In your soul you have light on the path of holiness when you love. When you sin, you are taken off the path of light and led into darkness. I desire, My dear children, that you make My Message of Holy Love known to the nation and the world."
Now Jesus is standing next to Blessed Mother. They both bless all here with Their Blessing of the United Hearts.
Source: ➥