Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

My beloved children, I would like to take all of you in My arms, like I held little Baby Jesus when He was born, and kiss all of you to pieces for all you do for Me; and also kiss all of you for the beautiful Rosary you prayed for Me last night. Love, your Mother and the Mother of God’s children.
Continuation of February 11, 2021 Message (early Friday morning)
My love, My beautiful one and all My beloved children, just love, love, and love; please love everyone especially your enemies. That is the only way that they will ever find God. If they see love in you, they will start to want what you have, love, and peace. My children, join your hearts with Mine and each other in love and peace. There is no other way to stop wars, except to love your enemies even though you do not like what they do. Jesus loves everyone, even the ones who crucified Him.
My children, once you learn how to live in Divine Will, you will start to love everyone. Love your God with your heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. If you do not love yourself, it is hard to love your neighbor. Start watching people who love you without cause and you will start loving others without expecting something in return. When you start doing that, you will start loving yourself and start loving others without wanting anything in exchange. Just love them and you will feel My love and Heaven’s love in exchange. A love letter to you and others. Love, Mother Mary.