Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Feast of Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners

America, you have a lot of top leaders that are sinners.
My love, I love all My children dearly. The time has come for much suffering. My children will not listen. The doors of hell are wide open because My children have opened them with all of their sins. I told you last summer that if the Democrat leaders did not follow their chosen leader, Donald Trump, I would take them down. Your Democrat leaders have done all they can to do the opposite. I tell you again, I, God the Father, will destroy their party very soon. Do not doubt your God.
I am very happy with the prayers and also the prayers of the faithful remnant. Tell My children do not worry if they have been following My ordained president, President Trump. They will be protected by their God. But, the states that are so liberal will suffer much and the leaders who are leading these states, have much to repent to be saved. Your loving God and all of Heaven.
PS: Only I, God, know the extreme cheating in your election. It was the worst in the history of America. I follow through on what I say. I am not a liar. Papa God.