Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Feast of Apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine of Alexandria


My love, My beautiful one and all My beloved children, this is Mary your Spiritual Mother. I love all of you dearly and I want all of you in Heaven with Me and Jesus. As I have told you before, I want ALL of you in Heaven with all of us, but the time is running out. The time is getting very short when millions of Our children will die. PLEASE get all of your souls right with God right NOW.

I have told you many times that this summer is the last time when many of Our children will be able to ask forgiveness for their sins. Please do not wait any longer. We are crying tears of blood of life for all of you. Do not wait any longer! Love, the Sorrowful Mother of Heaven and Earth. I want to scare you to Heaven with this serious message. Love, Mother Mary.

Source: ➥