Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, February 1, 2019
Come, God the Father

My beloved son, the vision I just gave you and the words are from your Father in Heaven. I showed you the rays coming down from My Heart and how they radiated light and then I showed you My Heart as a very hot fire of flames. You know that you cannot look at the sun in the sky because it is too bright. You can only look at it through My Mother Mary. You are looking through Her womb in the Miracle of the Sun in the sky because it is really My star in the sky. No one can look at the Father except through My Mother Mary who brought My son to earth as Man.
The star that lit up the sky for the three kings was My Only Begotten Son’s star. It was to guide the three kings to Him to confirm His birth. My Mother and My Son were sent to the earth to wake up the world with a new birth of love to get My children back to the love of their God who made them.
Your world has now fallen even more evil than the time of Noah. This time, I the Father am coming with the Holy Trinity and Our Mother to clean and purify the world for the thousand years of peace through the Our Father: “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” The star of Jesus’ birth was His star and it is now known in your time as Planet X. The time has come when My Son’s star and My star, the sun of your planet, will join together to clean up your Earth so the Our Father can be fulfilled—Heaven and Earth into one. Love, the Most Holy Trinity and Mary, Our Beloved Mother.