Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
The Most Holy Trinity

My beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. What you and your friend just talked about is true and We are all here with you as you write (the Trinity, Mary, St. Joseph, and Mary’s parents, Sts. Joachim and Anne). Mary conceived Jesus through the Power of the Holy Spirit, and Her mother, St. Anne, conceived Mary through the Power of the Holy Spirit to be the grandmother of My Son, Jesus.
One more step to look at is St. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. She also conceived through the Power of the Holy Spirit since John the Baptist had an important job like Mary and St. Anne. St. John was sent from Heaven to tell of the coming of My Son, Jesus, and to baptize Him.
There were also others that were conceived through the Power of the Holy Spirit back through the centuries: Adam, Eve, Noah, and Moses. Adam was created from the dust of the earth through the Power of the Holy Spirit and Eve was created from Adam’s rib through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
These are things that many people in the past and present have thought about but have not been confirmed in any way. My son, do not doubt about what I am telling you. It is from God the Father.
*The new picture (link below) that I want you to draw and have painted is a picture of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph with St. Anne and St. Joachim, along with the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The love between the Father and the Son created the Holy Spirit, just like mothers and fathers on earth, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, help create all of God’s little children in the image of Christ to love and serve Me. Love, God the Father of Heaven and earth.
*Click to open the finished picture that was painted at the request of God the Father.