Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Come Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother, and all of Heaven with St. Michael as Guard and Protector of your Words

My most beloved son and to all of Our children, this is your Mother of Love and Mercy. My love and mercy have been given to you and all My remnant children who have asked for it and accepted it. Please use it for My Son and Me to help convert more of Our beloved children. I want to tell you that the picture I gave to you of the Statue of Liberty with Me, Mary, in the background is very important to get out so your country knows God has given His Mother of the Immaculate Conception to guard and protect all of the United States of America and has given Our Lady of Guadalupe to protect Mexico. Your country now has all that it needs to change and turn around except We need more prayers from all of Our children. I need the majority of My children to pray a rosary and chaplet each day instead of just 25%, and your country would become a great leader again.
I, your Mother, am talking about the last of this era of time from the birth of My Son, Jesus, two thousand years ago until the coming of the new era of time, the Era of Peace, for one thousand years in the New Jerusalem. My children, this era of time is coming to an end soon because My children have polluted God’s beautiful earth so badly that it is not healthy enough for My children to live in anymore. Your water, your land and trees, skies, oceans, and forests are so polluted that they are making everyone sick. Your oxygen levels are only half what they were years ago. This is why your people do not have any energy and are sick all of the time.
You have now turned your natural environment that God created into a chemical environment. Your bodies were not made to live in a chemical environment. They were made to live on natural herbs from your land, not chemicals that satan and his followers put together to kill all of My children a little at a time. Satan’s fallen angels brought all of these sins and pollution down on mankind to destroy all of God’s children. Because of all the sins of mankind, he received the power to do so. Satan is powerless without man. Your time as you know it is quickly running out. My God is about to clean up the whole earth and re-purify it like it was when Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
I have given you a new leader in the United States to start to get My children ready for the New Jerusalem. With your prayers and Heaven’s grace, you received a new leader but he will only be able to do his job with the majority of My children praying for the new President and new Vice President and also for the Pope of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I have given you a second chance to clean up the world but it will take all the people of My world to pray and fast to get the job done.
The Warning talked about in Revelations is at your doorstep so pray and fast and treat your God and neighbors with honesty and love. Your time has run out but My God has extended it to save more souls so they can enter into the New Era of Peace. Love, the Mother of God with the Holy Trinity, and all of Heaven with Me. Love, love, and more love. Amen.