Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Come Holy Spirit and all of Heaven with God’s words to His children

My most beloved son, tell all My children I love them dearly and I thank them for all the prayers yesterday. They were multiplied many times with all of Heaven begging and praying with you. Tell all My children that they must KEEP praying for protection of their new leader and conversion of their old leaders. You still have a rough road ahead of you but the first breakthrough came yesterday. This is the first President and Vice President that have been elected that your God has endorsed. Trump reminds Me of Paul (the Apostle), that is why I chose him as I told you earlier. He is the horse that was strong enough to break through the walls of all the evil in the White House. I told My son two months ago when their prayer group asked who to vote for that Trump would be the horse and Pence would be the man on the cart that held the reins with the bit in Trump’s mouth to control him and Pence did a good job. I also gave a bible verse to My son to go along with this: Isaiah 30:28 & Isaiah 37:29.
I thank everyone who put their life on the line to help win this election. This was the first joy over your country that Heaven has had for a long time. This election will mean the difference between being taken into slavery and communism or being able to live in freedom with the Constitution and the Ten Commandments. Keep praying and living in the Ten Commandments and your God will help you through all of your trials to come. The Ten Commandments have to be in your government, your schools, your churches, and all of your lives for your God to help you fully.
Evil destroys itself. Everything good comes from God to His children and when the good is used for satan in an evil way, everything starts to self destruct until all graces are used up with no gain and much turmoil in the souls of the people using His gifts in the wrong way. It won’t work, just like putting water in a car instead of gasoline to run it. Your Jesus of Love and Mercy.
Isaiah 30:28 His breath is like an overflowing torrent, and it rises right up to the neck, to shake the nations in the sieve of destruction, and to place in the jaws of the peoples a bit that leads them astray.
Isaiah 37:29 Your insolence has reached my ears, so I'll put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I'll make you turn back on the road by which you came.