Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Come Holy Spirit with Your words only from God the Father

My dear son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I come to tell you and all My children, I love them dearly. The time has come when all of you must make a choice for God or satan and to be taken into Heaven or fall into hell. The time is here, now, there is no more waiting. You all can now see the signs of the times that we are now living in. Look for many more chastisements in your country, America, for all the sins of the flesh that you are committing. My hand is falling quickly now. Have your souls in a state of grace. Many disasters are coming quickly. Then, I will take you out of your body and show you how I see your life as you are living it now. This will be the special Warning from Me, God the Father, through My Son, Jesus. This will be the last chance that you have before the antichrist will start forcing the chip into your body so you are slaves to the evil one. You must change and call on your God and not take the chip.
I have set up refuges all over the world where I will lead all My children that are listening to Me, to be saved and then taken into the New Jerusalem. I will let some of My children die as martyrs for the sake of the others. Pray now for all the souls that will die during the natural disasters before the Warning so their souls will be saved by your prayers. Many do not even know how to pray and ask forgiveness and the faithful have to ask for them because you have been given the extra graces to save your brothers and sisters. Do not delay any longer for the time is critical and short.
Have some extra food and water now for many areas will have empty food shelves or they will not be able to get food or water. I am not joking because the antichrist and the one world government is about to strike hard, your loving Father.
Tell all your friends to not worry about anything except being on God’s side because I made everything, even satan and the antichrist, but they turned on Me and wanted to be god, and they know and you know they are nothing next to God. They are just one grain of sand next to the whole earth and universe that I made for all My children and angels, the ones that love Me and the ones that turn away from Me. Love, love, love.