Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Angels and Saints with St. Michael as Guard and Commander of God’s Work, A Teaching

My son, it was I, God the Father, asking you to write as you were praying. It is a critical day in the lives of all My children on earth. You know and I know that satan is controlling all of the top leadership in the world and that includes your church leadership. You cannot condemn anyone except all of My children for not living the Ten Commandments I set up for the world to follow. Then I had My Son die on the cross to form My Catholic Church, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
When it was a Latin Mass, it was harder for it to be changed and manipulated in so many ways of untruths when it was being said throughout the world. The Mass has now been watered down in so many churches that it is about to be taken over by satan. I warn all My faithful again, when you are at a Mass and your priest says that same sex marriage is right, or that abortion of any kind is right, or any kind of living together and having sexual relations outside of marriage is not a mortal sin, I ask you to leave that church because it is no more a Catholic Church, but satan’s church. This is already happening in some churches now and will continue to become worse. The only churches that will stand during the Tribulation at its peak, which is close, are the ones that were established in the beginning and are at the consecrated refuges where My remnant are living the true, One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The rest will be one world churches controlled and run by satan and the antichrist.
I just wanted to make sure that all know this. You will also have to take the chip in your body by your own free will to be part of this. The chip is nothing but a computer chip put in your body so you can be controlled just the same way you control your own computer or your cell phone. You will have no control over the chip in your body but satan will and he will force you to do whatever he wishes and take you to hell for all eternity. I beg you, do not take the chip for it will send you to hell for all eternity. Your loving Father in Heaven. Pray, pray, pray for you are seeing a lot of this already happening. Love, God the Father.