Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Come Holy Spirit and all of Heaven with all the angels and saints


My beloved son this is your Jesus of love and mercy. I thank you and all the prayer warriors who are doing so much for Me. I have told you that you would start teaching more and more. Many of My prayer warriors are getting old and tired because their prayers have given the world more time. All My older prayer warriors will be teaching the things that they have learned for many years to My new prayer warriors so they can start to rest physically and use their gifts of teaching that I your God and Mary My Mother and several of My saints have taught them.

There are a lot of new young people that I am starting to send to all those who need their help. My young prayer warriors please listen to My most beloved soldiers who I have taught for years. My son has been learning and writing for 32 years and he and many of My warriors need your help. And you, My young soldiers need their spiritual knowledge. Be kind and loving to each other and we will finish this battle with a great success.

This is God the Father’s battle and He has come down from Heaven to help Mary My Mother and I, your Jesus who died on the cross two thousand years ago and all of Heaven and all the faithful on earth with all the faithful angels to finish this battle that was foretold in the Our Father, “thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

All of the fallen angels took over earth and the end is near and then we will go into the thousand year Era of Peace. For all My young children, I tell you through My faithful servant to hold on just a little longer and stay in a state of grace because the Warning and the Era of Peace is about to happen.

All the children who go into the New Era of Peace will have peace and happiness like it was in the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve sinned and gave the earth to satan. God the Father sent My Mother and I back to win the earth back through My death on the cross and Mary’s death in Her heart as She watched Her Son die. My Father and all the faithful of Heaven and all on earth, the time has come for the final battle before We go into the New Jerusalem and the Era of Peace.

Keep heart My children for your children and grandchildren will live in a peaceful time that has never been before except in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Please call on all the angels each day and all the saints, and Our Holy Family and the Trinity each day and We will be at your side. You will find a peace like you have never known. The angels were created to help the human race and every person was given an angel to help them in their struggles in life. All of the angels are available to all of My children, just for the asking. You have a free will so you must ask for help from them to be able to serve you. Heaven does not force like satan, you just have to ask and if it is for the good of your soul or someone else’s soul it will happen in God’s time. People have needs and wants. Your needs are always fulfilled if you live in God’s grace, but your wants are fulfilled only as far as to help you get to Heaven.

My Mother will speak: My love, My beautiful one. I am so happy with you and some of My beloved children, but many need to give their selves to Me, their real Mother and first Mother. You were created all in My Father, for He is all. Then He sent you to Me, Mary the Mother of Jesus before you were put in your earthly mother’s womb. You have a spiritual mother and a physical mother. I and My Son love you at all times even if your physical mother or father abandon you. We are still for you, We will never leave you unless you choose satan at the last second of your life. We will always try to save your souls. It is only you, Our children, who can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and choose Heaven or hell. No one else can make the choice for you. Please choose Heaven, My children for the sake of eternity. Heaven is all love, peace, and joy; hell is all hate and misery. I love you all. Love, Mother Mary, your first Mother.

Source: ➥