Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, April 9, 2015
At Adoration
Come Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with Your words and St. Michael as protector & guard

My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. I want you to confirm to My daughter (the Shrine of the Christ Child messenger) that all will be well soon for her. I, Jesus, confirm through My son that all that you have received in writing is of God (refers to the 4/8/15 Shrine of the Christ Child message). Your priest confirmed it today to you. I want to confirm it another time to you and all of My remnant children that it is time, and past time, for the earth to explode and do much damage and stop America.
You have been given many warnings that it is here and it is now. Heaven’s time and earth’s time is about to meet and the suffering in your country will become great for those who are not listening. Your Father in Heaven will get the whole world’s attention and you will have to make a choice for the world and satan or for God and ask His forgiveness for your sins. There will be no more sitting on the fence. You will either choose Heaven or hell. Please choose Heaven for all eternity, not hell for all eternity. Your loving Jesus to a stubborn people. Sorry it has to be. Love, Jesus and all of Heaven.